Tuesday, December 8, 2009

5 Secrets To Make Guys Go Gaga

Want to be the one who gets noticed? Stand in the center of the room. According to Dr. Albert Mehrabian, the author of several books and nationally-known expert in the field of spatial psychology, where you are in a room (and what you're doing) has a lot to do with your ability to attract the opposite sex. Where should you be for the highest impact and the greatest number of interested cuties? Smack-dab in the center of the room, standing up and moving around a bit. (But don't pace a track on the carpet for goodness sake...)
If you're in a bar or nightclub, the best place to be is at one of the corners on the bar. Not only will you meet more people, but, according to Mehrabian, bartenters tend to gravitate toward the corners as well. Interesting conversation AND a full drink? You'll feel like you've died and gone to dating heaven. The worst place to be seen? Hanging out near the wall or sitting at a table. That hot stranger approaching your table and asking "may I join you" only happens in the movies.


What color can you wear to compel the opposite sex to approach you?
According to Color Consultant Leatrice Eiseman, Director of the Pantone Color Institute and author of Colors For Your Every Mood, says women should wear a pink- peach to make themselves most approachable. The color is "very flattering to most skin tones, it gives you healthy glow," and according to Eiseman, projects "a little vulnerability which brings out something protective in men."
Want to wear a color that weeds out guys who can't handle strong women? Try a deep red, burgundy or plum. Men who aren't attracted to strong women will steer clear.
Of all the colors, red is the most sensual. But, wear red with caution. "Red is the color of sex and power," says Eiseman. Red adds an element of excitement and attracts two types of men - men interested in sex, and men attracted to powerful women. Sure, you'll probably have to fend off a lot of freaks, but you could also end up attracting a guy that isn't threatened by the fact that you make a bigger salary.
Concerned your wardrobe is driving people away? Stay away from what Eiseman calls "squished caterpillar yellow-green" which is said to repel both sexes equally.
Want to know what color the dream guys will be wearing this year?
It’s blue. According to Eiseman, guys who frequently wear blue are "stable, faithful, constant and always there." The blue guy is a fantastic candidate for a long-term relationship -- he’s dependable, momogomous and can match his own clothes.

How do you use body language to attract the opposite sex?
The key is to make yourself approachable. According to nationally-respected body language expert and professional speaker, Patti Wood, you want to make yourself a "safe" (read approachable) target. How do you accomplish that? Don't take up a lot of space (which is a sign of power and superiority.) Wood says, "we are strong women, but remember, we're trying to get a man to come over and talk to us." She explains, "you have to show you have room for someone else in your life."
In addition, Wood says "to be very approachable women should stand with their feet no farther than 6 inches apart with toes pointed slightly inward. " Other key moves, the nod and the head tilt - signal you're listening to what the other person has to say.
Body language tips for both sexes: Don't fold your arms and don't chew on gum, ice or your fingernails. According to Wood, the chewing indicates anxiety or frustration, neither of which are very attractive emotions.

Psychology and body language experts agree that one of the most important things you can do to make yourself more attractive (and approachable) is to smile. Not a great big plastic game-show smile, just your normal "I'm having a great time and I'm happy to be here" face will do the trick. According to Wood, "the smile is the international signal of friendliness."

Studies show that men associate the scents of cinnamon and vanilla with love. To make the scents work for you,

Top Dating Tips for Men - How to Date Women

Top Dating Tips

Are you a new member to the dating scene? Are you regular in trying to meet new women? Whatever you might be, you must be eager to know about dating and gathering tips and suggestions that are going to help you when you would be dating. It also happens to so many people that they simply wish to have had met a dating guide who could have offered him some dating tips and dating advices. The case may not be quite different in your case also.

There is a very wrong notion regarding dating or attracting women. Some people in the world think that the good looking people are the original winners are the perfect dating masters. Otherwise there must be some magic formula. My dear friend, let me explain it to you. There is, in fact, no magic formula. Neither the good looking persons are always perfect dating masters. It is all within you. The women that you want to date are no goddesses or no supernatural beings. They are human beings after all. Behave like a man what you are. If you can successfully carry this out, you are surely going to be a perfect dating master. If you are looking for dating tips that will help you become a dating master just click down the page and you will come across the top dating tips that, if you follow, are sure to make you a successful and tricky dating master.

Before you venture upon anything, preparation is something that is a must. If you really have the desire to become a dating master, you must think of the preparation that you ought to take before you start out with dating a woman. Get it sure which part of the day you are free for the dating. You should also think in which part of the day you are most comfortable with general people. Take dating as a part of your daily and very natural routine. There is no reason to take dating as a serious affair.

Tip 2 of top dating tips:

It is true that you never need to be a very attractive and handsome looking person. On the other hand it has to be kept in mind that you should not be bad looking. And, no one on this planet is bad looking. What you are asked to do is to take care of your health so that you do not look ugly. Visit the gym regularly. Have the stylish hair cut and get into the right pairs of clothing. All of these things would reflect what kind of care you take of yourself. You may look mad or an extremely careless person. But you can say, “There’s a method in my madness.” They cannot but believe you.

Tip 3 of top dating tips:

Before you begin with dating women, have your homework first. What you need moist is the familiarity with the situation in which you are going to date a woman. You should also prepare yourself for a number of situations for you never know what kid of situations you are going to face while dating a particular woman or proposing a woman for dating. If have the ideas about the situations from an earlier time, it would be quite easier for you to cope up with the situation when it really arrives.

Tip 4 of top dating tips:

This is going to be one of the most important and top dating tips. Give it a deep thought before you start dating women. The question arises what you will give the thought to. Have a clear conception about how long you want to proceed with the relationship with the woman whom you are dating. Decisions will of course be different if you are going to marry within a short period of time.

Tip 5 of top dating tips:

Have confidence. There is no better tip for you to become a dating master. If you have it you are better than anybody. If you are without it, none can help you. Try to gain confidence in each and every action of yours. You can also gain confidence out of your thinking process. Have a positive thinking in your mind.

Tip 6 of top dating tips:

Enjoy dating as it is. Pay attention to your desires or some deeper intentions. At the same time, you have got to keep in mind the fact that the first and foremost step of dating women is to be sociable and familiar with them. Do that perfectly before everything, and you will fid that women themselves are desirous of dating you.

Tip 7 of top dating tips:

Take care that you are giving proper time to the woman you are dating. Even if it happens that you are dating a dozen of women at a time, without letting anyone know about your dating with the others, your body language should make it clear that you are too interested in her and her only.

Tip 8 of top dating tips:

Your interaction with the women should never reflect the fact that you are always available for the woman. Do not be humble for making out or going to the bed in the initial stages. The more you become attractive to the women, they more they will feel going to bed with you. It never means that you turn your face from sex in such a manner that women start avoiding you supposing that you are sexually frustrated and frustrating as well.

Alex Coulson has been a core leader in the ever evolving dating industry, he holds cutting-edge dating workshops/courses every weekend around Australia and regularly holds dating seminars on attracting women internationally.

Sexual Body Language

Sometimes it can be hard to tell what’s going on with your girl: Is she enjoying herself? Are you doing it right? Is she satisfied? Women can be hard to read, especially when it comes to sex. Though, all in all, if she is getting off you are bound to know about it on some level. If you’re not so sure and need some reassurance, check out her more subtle signs -- her sexual body language.

lovemaking positions - man on top

She will show you -- hopefully in no uncertain terms -- how you’re performing. Her body will display some overall signs of arousal that she can’t fake, but remember every woman is different. So, yes, it can often be just as difficult to get nonverbal feedback on your performance when there are so many variables. So, we've put together some general sexual body language signs that she's getting exactly what she wants from you.

Rapid breathing

Our breath when resting is a very peaceful and tranquil movement of air in and out of our lungs. It has the delightful title of "inspiration" for breathing in, and "expiration" for breathing out. When a woman is turned on, however, this breath comes in urgent puffs and probably has some involuntary moans escape with it as the air is forced quickly past her vocal cords. The increase in heart rate when her body prepares for orgasm means her internal organs and muscles are demanding more oxygen. If you can hear her breath change, you’re on the right track. If you can feel her heart thumping, you’re well on your way. This is her sexual body language giving you signals that she's aroused. However, if she's breathing normally after having her "big orgasm," perhaps she’s a big faker.

General writhing around and body movement

If your girl is curling her toes and writhing against you, chances are she's probably enjoying herself. Grinding and pushing against you means that she's really getting into it. If she's lying there limp, then things probably aren’t happening for her. Try changing positions, or stop entering her and warm her up from the beginning with your mouth or hands and see how her sexual body language progresses from there.

Thrusting hips

When she meets your thrusts, you’re doing something right. It's pretty safe to say that if she's matching your body movements and is in time with you, then she's getting something out of it. Good sex is often very synchronized, as that is how our bodies are designed to produce orgasm; repeated movements in the right spot build to a climaxing. The trouble is finding the right spot, of which there are many. If she isn’t meeting your thrusts then her sexual body language is telling you that she wants something else, so change positions and see how she responds.

Arms splayed out

If she's holding herself close she may not be feeling wild abandon -- her arms may be around you, her hands may be on your chest, above your head, wherever, except they're being held in close to her own body. If she's on top she may need her arms to maneuver herself and give herself some leverage to get the best angle. This is certainly not a definitive gesture, but can be useful. Her body should be responding to the situation at hand. She shouldn't be worried about covering herself up or where her arms are. If her arms are stretched wide, either held out to the side or splayed out on the bed sheets, you can bet her sexual body language is telling you you're right where you need to be and she's comfortable (and enjoying the ride). 

Vaginal muscle movement

You have one of your most sensitive parts inside one of her most sensitive parts -- with each movement inside of her you can feel the walls of her vagina, the muscles and flesh. The vaginal wall is an incredibly strong muscle and she will probably use this to some extent for her own pleasure during sex. You may also feel the contracting and relaxing during orgasm -- her vagina spasms and this will clench you to some degree -- but not always, so don’t use that as a benchmark. Some women do have great control, and those who do are likely to have better sex and orgasms in general. If you don’t feel any clenching, don’t panic. You may know already by the feel of her vagina when she's not far away from orgasm -- she may let you enter further, or the overall sensation may be "just right" for you both. Only you can tell, so pay careful attention to her sexual body language and what’s going on inside of her.

learn the language of lovin'

Women love sex as much as men do, but what's sometimes missing is the self-knowledge, and of course a skilled partner who brings out the erotic best in himself and her. If you're unsure as to whether your lover is enjoying herself during sex, there is a need for more investigation. Communicate verbally and non-verbally; ask her what she wants you to do, carefully watch and listen to her responses to what you’re doing and don’t assume that what worked for your other girlfriends is going to work for her. Every woman (and man) has different tastes and won’t necessarily respond to the same touches, so try a few different things and don’t stick to a routine. Experiment, tease, tantalize, change positions. When you hear her moan, you’ll know you've hit just the right spot, so don't stop there.

How to Have Sex with the Woman on Top

  1. Get naked with your partner and find a flat, comfortable surface--a nice, soft bed is preferable.
  2. Step 2
    The man should lie on his back while the woman gets on her knees and straddles him. She should face the man to make it easy for kissing and caressing.
  3. Step 3
    Slide the penis into the vagina. The woman can now move up and down, side to side, or however she wants. She controls the speed and depth of the intercourse.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Increase your Sexual Attractiveness with Pheromones

Pheromones are a natural chemical compound found in all insects, animals, and humans. Animals detect pheromones over a distance – they help them mark territory and recognize mates. Human pheromones are natural hormones and we use them to communicate with one another on a subconscious level. They are detected by a little organ inside the nose and then being transmitted to our brains as a chemical message of sex and sexual attraction.
Not everyone knows that these days’ pheromones can be found as a product – colognes, sprays, oils, gels, wipes, lotions, soaps and even candles. There are different pheromones for Men and Women. Pheromone products mainly contain one or all of the following human pheromones:
*Androstenone - the pheromone that gives a macho, dominant male aura. It attracts and arouses women on a primordial level and women reported having better and stronger orgasm during sex.
*Androstenol – is called as a friendly pheromone. You will seem nice, friendly and approachable to others.
*Androsterone – is knows as a middle ground between the first two. People say that androsterone is very similar to andostenone, just it doesn’t give a male macho aura as much.
*Copulins – is found in pheromones for women to use. Copulins are produced by women naturally, during their ovulation time. Copulins are used towards attracting men.
Pheromones come in both scented and unscented products. Some people use scented pheromones as simple perfume or body spray. Then they don‘t need to use any other perfume. Unscented products can be mixed with colognes, perfumes or body sprays. Both kinds of pheromones are applied in the same places where you usually apply other perfume or body spray.
Pheromones “work” for both male and female, and pheromone products are being used to gain sexual attraction of the opposite sex.
Guys, it doesn‘t matter how you look like – fat or slim, tall or short, handsome or not a sexy macho – if you use pheromones, women will find you sexually attractive. After women smell pheromones in the pheromone product they will become attracted to you. Try to use pheromone products and you will notice that women are starting to show you more attention, more eye contact, more dates and of course more sex.
The same is for women. If you like a man and he is not paying as much attention to you as you want – try a pheromone “attack”. When he is around you - make sure you sprayed pheromones on your body and you will start feel difference. Many women use this “weapon” to get the guys they want.
Pheromones can help you increase your attractiveness, bring you more success in business and many social situations, make people comfortable around you and improve your own mood.

Five Things That Women Hate in Bed

 Man and Woman
I believe that none of men could possibly be proud of being called “boring lover”, and none of the women would like spend their lives or even just one night with a “stallion” with such a reputation. Therefore, we are here to help you with a several tips on how avoid such a “label” on your back. Here are five things that women really hate in their sex life:
Don’t be too careful
The phrases like “can I?” are NOT sexy. They just kill the mood. A good lover knows how to let the woman know their next step and how to prepare her for it with no questions asked. Sometimes it is enough just to look in “undressing” way or a provocative touch your girlfriends’ body to give a signal for sex.

“Mechanical sex”
Most women would agree that sex with no passion is boring, just a time spent with no particular reason. No woman wants to become an “inflatable woman” (perhaps only with a very little exception). I’m not saying that every sex you have has to be exclusively tremendous, but just don’t ignore the fact that every woman want to be a “woman” and it's always a good idea to keep that in mind. Be sensitive and sometimes not just have sex, but also “make love” to her.

If your girlfriend or wife know every crack in your ceiling – you are in a huge trouble. But don’t panic yet. A simple change of a place will help you out. Try doing it in your bathroom, kitchen, your car or even on a beach (of course find a place with no viewers), the possibilities are endless. Turn on your imagination.

Moaning and talking
Too loud moaning as well as too quiet is irritating for women. The silence is also not an option. You have to play careful here. Try to find the “golden middle” and to express your feelings to your girlfriend but not to all the neighbors. Try not to use all the same words during the sex as well, try to find phrases how to say how sexy she looks, how great she is in bed you don’t have to repeat all the same three words, which we all are so afraid of.

Unwillingness to experiment
If you are in a long-term relationship, don’t be afraid to experiment. Sex life does get boring, and there is a lot you can do about it. Try different positions, role-playing give a freedom to your fantasies. Do whatever you want to if your partner agrees with it, and if it would spice up your love life.

Discuss you fantasies with your partner at the glass of a good wine, and you would be surprised how fast they can turn into reality.
These are the main guidelines how to improve your sex life. What I wanted to say here is that women do not seek Casanova in every man. They just want you to make an effort to your relationship.

Remember that opposite of “boring” is exiting and unexpected, so if you try from time to time to surprise your partner, you will not be in trouble. The most important thing is that you would have a partner who would be w...

Best ideas for your perfect date

Man and Woman

Probably the most superb for your unforgetable date sounds the idea about riding horses in the beach, across the water vawes in the view of sunset on the ocean...if you cant organize all those things keep the idea only about riding horses. Also could be suitable places near the forest or in some empty fields full of flowers.
Your partner will always be impressed by the oldest idea about organizing romantic dinner near the candle lights. It sounds very classical but believe me it is only up to you to make it special find out what he or she doesnt like about food and learn couple of recipes that you can make on your own. This realy wont cause you any problems because there are lots of information about cooking and serving table. If you are a guy make sure that she will come earlier and notice you cooking. It would be even more impressive than already served table.
Everyone likes going to the zoo and it would realy ensure you very romantic trip that you can always choose instead of simple going for a walk. All those animals and nature get people close together and eliminate stress. Such an interesting way of spending time together wont cost you a lot but such an evening will be memorable and pithy.

You would never delude yourself with inviting your date to a museum, ancient places of your town, castles, galeries or some cultural festivals. It even could help to know a lot about your partner, because such places oblige people to talk about peculiar things and shows his/her attitude to the world.

Finally, no matter where you go always use your imagination fly a kite, play hide and seek or paint fight, dance in the rain, draw one another or something.

Friday, December 4, 2009

Kama Sutra positions

Kama sutra positions
The Kama Sutra is an ancient Indian text that was written to help teach men on how to have a happy marriage.
A lot of people think that it's just about sex, but that's not strictly true. The Kama Sutra is made up of 7 sections but only the second, called 'On Sexual Union', details different sexual positions.
This part of it is illustrated with drawings to show couples different ways of having sex, oral techniques and also less popular advice on biting and scratching your partner!
Despite it being centuries old, the Kama Sutra can still play a part in modern-day relationships. The original Kama Sutra sees women as objects rather than equals but all the positions are still designed to give both parties pleasure.
We've taken some of the most popular positions from this ancient book, to help you spice up your love life - watch out though, the pictures are a bit on the rude side!

Where to next?

Restart your sex drive

The popularity of television shows like Sex and the City has shown that women are interested in sex. Unfortunately, real life tends to get in the way. From taking care of the kids, the house and oftentimes dealing with work on top of that, there isn't always enough time or energy left over at the end of the day.
Man and Woman
Despite the challenges, there are women who are enjoying an increased sex drive after kids, but for many it remains a continuing problem. Here, moms share their hints and tips about what has helped them improve their sex drive.

Be comfortable with yourself

One of the reasons many women report an increase in sex drive as they get closer to age 30 is because they begin to feel comfortable with themselves. Having a child forces women to focus on the good things their bodies do, and for some this feeling carries over and permanently changes how they see themselves."Having a son made it actually 'hit home' that I was a woman. A lot had to do with my inner feelings about myself," says Joyce Anthony of Pennsylvania.

Get help in other aspects of life

Don't try to do everything yourself. If you're too tired to stay awake for sex, it obviously isn't going to happen. Ask your partner to help out. If they know that it will make you more likely to be open to sex later, many partners will jump at the chance. Aline Zoldbrod, PhD, a Boston-based sex therapist and author of Sex Talk: Uncensored Exercises for Exploring What Really Turns You On urges women to "stop being a superwomen." "You will never feel sexual if you are exhausted and depleted and up to the gills in responsibility. Ask for help. Buy the brownies, don't bake them."

Spice things up

Sometimes all it takes to get things moving again is a change in scenery. Try staying at a hotel for the weekend to get away from your regular life. Look at your partner suggestively while at a party. Sleep in the nude. Try something different sexually that you have always wanted to try."Initiate sex," recommends Rhea Palmer from Tennessee. "Buy some sexy panties and wear just them to bed. Take control and be sure he knows what you want. I think foreplay is the key to anyone who has a lower sex drive."

Get physical

Getting physically active can help women increase their sex drive in two ways. First, we feel better about ourselves, so we are more likely to feel comfortable enough to be intimate with our partners. Second, according to Debbie Mandel, author of Turn on Your Inner Light: Fitness for Body, Mind, and Soul, exercising releases hormones that raise your libido. Strength training in particular helps releases testosterone, which increases sexual desire.

Try it, you'll like it

Many women, especially those with younger children, are very reluctant to give up sleep for sex. When they are "on call" 24/7, sleep becomes a precious commodity."I really think it all boils down to exhaustion in my case" states Kate*, a mother ofDo Not Disturb Sign two in Pennsylvania. "I'm just too tired. If I get a few minutes to myself, I just want to sit, and veg, and interact with no one."
While many women agree with these sentiments, some pleasantly discover that when they give in and forgo sleep for sex, they really enjoy the results. The key is remembering these times when libido is low. Sex is actually a great stress relief.
Anthony reminds women that "great sex calms your nerves, actually gives you greater energy, helps you sleep sounder and generally increases your mood."

If that doesn't work...

If, even after trying various things, your desire level is still low, you may want to try these two tactics:One, if you had a sex drive before, think about what has changed. Zoldbrod recommends making "a list of the ingredients of your 'sexual recipe' back in the days when you were feeling more desire. Look at the list and see how far your current experience has diverged from your old experience with sex."
Make sure you discuss this with your partner, but be careful to not lay blame. You are simply trying to brainstorm ways to make things better, not point fingers.
Two, go to your doctor. The cause may be hormonal. Sometimes problems with the thyroid can cause desire problems for women. Also ask your doctor about birth control pills. Some doctors, including Dr Andre Guay, the director of the Center for Sexual Function/Endocrinology, think that the hormones in birth control may have something to do with low desire.
Whatever the cause, increasing your sexual drive will benefit your marriage and your well being. Make the effort. Kelly Muzyczka in Pittsburgh recalled telling her husband that they were so likely to be interrupted that she would rather say no and be frustrated than say yes and be annoyed later. "I think now that I was wrong. Try anyway. It's worth it for the times you DO succeed."

6 Steps to a sexy massage

Looking for a fresh way to reconnect with your guy? Try a simple but deliciously sensual massage. "Too often, couples fast-forward to intercourse, which means they're neglecting about 80 percent of each other's bodies," says Gordon Inkeles, author of The New Sensual Massage. "Sensual massage encourages lovers to be generous with each other, to explore parts of the body that aren't overtly sexual." Here, a step-by-step guide to giving (or getting!) a totally indulgent massage.
Woman Giving Massage

Step 1: Make some space.

A soft bed may be perfect for lovemaking, but the ideal massage area is firm, flat, and stable, so you don't bounce your partner around as you move. (Think how unrelaxing it would be to get a massage on a jiggly water bed.) For maximum comfort, have your guy lie down on a futon mattress or pallet of blankets and place pillows under his neck, knees, and ankles.

Step 2: Break out the oil.

Besides making your hands soft and warm, massage oil reduces friction and makes it easier to knead, rub, and stroke your guy's tired and stressed muscles. Scented oils can be erotic, "but steer clear of intense fragrances, like patchouli, which get cloying," says Steve Capellini, a licensed massage therapist in Miami and author of Massage for Dummies. Instead, try a light single scent, like jasmine, and warm the bottle in a bowl of hot water.

Step 3: Create a peaceful vibe.

The tickling of loose hair or a lacy nightie might excite him (and you), but it can also take his focus off the deep, steady sensations of your massage. Tie your hair back and wear close-fitting clothes to minimize distractions. To avoid jarring chills, drape his naked body with sheets (uncover just the body part you're working on). If you play music, keep it soft and slow.

Step 4: Pick a spot, any spot.

Pressed for time? Focusing on one part of his body — really focusing on it — can be even more decadent than a head-to-toe rubdown. If his back is in knots, concentrate on that. If he loves having his feet caressed, give them the royal treatment. Or keep it simple: Just ask him where he wants you to touch him.

Step 5: Get hands-on.

To give a great massage, all you need to know are a few basic moves:

  • Compression is an easy movement to master and great for many body parts, says Inkeles. Just lay one hand flat on, say, his shoulder, press the other hand on top of it, and rotate slowly.

  • Stroking works wonders on areas both large (back and thighs) and small (neck and tops of feet). Keep your fingers together, thumbs parallel, and palms in full contact with the part you're working, and make long, gentle movements. Apply more pressure when stroking toward your partner's heart, less pressure in the opposite direction.
  • Kneading is perfect for fleshy areas such as biceps, buttocks, and thighs. Simply lift and squeeze the area you're working, with your palms in full contact with your partner's skin.
  • Friction is done without oil and loosens up deep muscles. Anchor the area you're massaging with one hand, and use the other to deeply press and rub. For smaller areas like the shoulder caps, soles of the feet, and palms, apply friction with your fingertips.
  • You can put any or all of these moves together in any order, depending on what your partner needs and how he responds to each touch. Try this basic routine to start (but feel free to add your own personal touches): Have your guy lie facedown. Apply friction to his shoulder caps. Squeeze a few drops of oil onto your hands and stroke his back. Next, knead his buttocks and thighs and stroke his calves. Finish off with a little bit of friction on the soles of his feet.

Step 6: Focus on the feelings.

Intimate massage isn't about perfection, so don't worry about doing it "right." Try to stay in the moment. "The quality of your touch is more important than technique," says Peggy Morrison Horan, author of Connecting Through Touch and a founder of the Esalen Massage Program at Esalen Institute in Big Sur, CA. "Massage is about being emotionally present, touching your partner with intention, and paying attention to his reactions." What could be sexier than that?

The many ways we say, "I love you"

How often do you count the ways you love your spouse? In the beginning of a relationship, you may flood each other with tokens of your feelings, but as time goes by, there are new ways to say "I love you." Author T. W. Winslow explains.

Love letters

When my wife and I were first dating (more years ago than I'd like to admit), we frequently exchanged love letters, little romantic gifts, and other such things to express how much we cared for each other. With the passing years, though our love has grown immensely, the number of love letters and such has decreased considerably. I guess that's typical in most long term relationships. When relationships are new, we tend to express our love in dramatic ways - through cards, flowers, love letters and other romantic gestures. This is wonderful and is part of what makes a new romance so fun and exciting. But this romantic exuberance is difficult to maintain. The expressions of love, which were so common initially, dwindle with time as our lives and relationships grow increasingly complicated and we focus on more than just the one we love.
This isn't to say we love our partners any less. In fact for most, our love and commitment only deepens with time. But if this is true, why then don't we continue to flood our partners with expressions of our love? Perhaps we feel these things are no longer necessary - that our partners should know how we feel. Maybe as our lives become more complicated, we find it difficult to make time for such things. Or it just might be possible our expressions of love haven't really slowed, but rather have merely changed and become less obvious.
See if some of these don't ring a bell:

  • Reading the note your partner left for you on the kitchen counter telling you to be careful driving as the roads may be icy.
  • Getting a call from them at the office for no reason at all.
  • Trying out a new recipe and having them eat every bite, even when you know it wasn't very good.
  • The simple act of going to work each morning, and coming straight home each night.
  • Passing up that fancy red sports car you've had your eye on, and buying that ugly mini-van instead.
  • Cleaning the house or making dinner because you know your partner needs a break.
  • Telling them it's "okay," even when it's not.
  • Listening intently to a story you've heard a hundred times before.
  • Pulling the covers over them in the middle of the night.
  • Not eating the last cookie in the jar.
  • Stroking their hair while they sleep.
  • Holding hands in front of your friends.
  • Not noticing his thinning hair.
  • Continuing to think she's still a size five.
  • Not throwing out his favorite sweatshirt, even though its faded and tattered.
  • Remembering to pick up bread on your way home from work.
  • Having them come to your rescue when you've locked your keys in the car - again, and not make you feel silly because of it.
  • The way they make you feel like the most attractive person in the room, even when you know you're not.
  • Just knowing they are there for you, and you for them - each and every day.
These things may not be as romantic as a love letter or as exciting as being surprised with a dozen roses, but they do say just as loudly, "I love you."

10 sex tips to make long-term sex more exciting

Married Couple in Bed

In long-term relationships, it's easy to settle into a routine with your partner that, while may be comfortable, can make your sex life a tad mundane. However, by shaking it up and using these sex tips, you can revive the spark that first brought you two together. Here are a few ideas to consider.

Sex Tip 1: Keep it pretty

First things first, it's impossible to have great sex if you don't feel sexy, so treat yourself to a blowout or some new lingerie, whatever is needed to put the "va-va-voom" back into your step.

Sex Tip 2: Flirt with each other

Make a habit of sending playful, sexy messages to him throughout the day. Make him salivate with anticipation by telling him what you're wearing and what you want to do to him later.

Sex Tip 3: Set the mood

Don't underestimate the power of lighting a few candles. Make sure your bedroom is sexy and doesn't have toys littering it. And turn off the tv!

Sex Tip 4: Just kiss

Agree to place a ban on sex for a certain length of time and just kiss and focus on foreplay. Abstaining from sex has the added benefit of charging up both of your libidos.

Sex Tip 5: Surprise Him

Don't wear any underwear and let him find out.

Sex Tip 6: Watch an Erotic Film Together

It doesn't have to be porn for it to be sexy. Some favorites: Body Heat, Belle du Jour, Last Tango in Paris, Like Water for Chocolate.

Sex Tip 7: Play an adult game

Check out Game night for couples and Games that lovers play for some naughty suggestions.

Sex Tip 8: Discover a new position

There are over 60 different positions in the Kama Sutra, so there's no excuse to not try a new one at least once a week!

Sex Tip 9: Share your fantasies

A little role-playing can be fun and it doesn't have to be limited to the bedroom. Start the fun before you even get home by meeting at a bar and pretending you just met.

Sex Tip 10: Get out of the bedroom

Sometimes a change of locale is all that's needed to rev up the action. Try having sex somewhere unexpected; just be careful not to get caught!

If any of the ideas makes you feel nervous, then you should definitely try it first. The great part of being with someone for an extended period of time is that you can fully trust and feel safe with him, so don't hesitate to try something out of your normal comfort zone, especially if it means revving your sex life up!